Appointments for a day; week; or month are displayed in the Calendar page. You can hold your mouse pointer directly over an appointment to see more information. You can also click on an appointment to open it and view its details.
When you open an appointment; its details are displayed in the Modify Appointment dialog box. Here are some tips for working in the Modify Appointment dialog box.
- Specify a Subject and Description for the appointment.
- Click the icon next to the Subject field to select a custom icon for the appointment.
- Specify the start and end time of the appointment.
- Select Private to keep the appointment details private.
When this option is selected; even users with access to your calendar cannot see the appointment details. The appointment appears in the calendar with the subject displayed as "Private appointment”.
- Select a Location for the appointment.
- Select the Attendees icon to assign Maximizer users and Address Book entries to the appointment.
You can search for additional users or Address Book entries to attend the appointment in the Invite people search box or click the ADVANCED button to perform an advanced search.
Click the SCHEDULING button to view free time slots for all attendees of the appointment.
You can view the current users and Address Book entries assigned to the appointment and invite others. You can also choose whether to Notify other users or to Send all an email reminder.
If the appointment is linked to an Opportunity; a case or a Campaign; information about the entry is displayed. You can click the X icon next to the entry to remove the link.
- Click the Repeat icon to view details of recurring appointments.
- Click the Alarm icon to set lead times for alarms and email reminders.
- Click the Resources icon to select one or more resources that are required for the appointment.
- Click the Priority icon to select the priority for the appointment.
- Click the Products & Services and Categories icons to select any products; services; or categories that are related to the appointment.
- Select Complete to mark the appointment as completed.