Rules for mandatory user-defined fields consist of comparison statements. Formula user-defined fields may also include comparison statements if the formulas include conditional expressions; using “If” statements.
You can create comparison statements with the following symbols:
== to check that two values are equal to each other.
- For example; [Category] == “Partner” verifies that the Category field is set to “Partner”.
!= to check that two values are not equal to each other.
- For example; [Category] != “” verifies that the Category field is not empty; i.e. it has a value.
> to check that the first value is greater than the second value.
- For example; [Annual Sales] > 20000 verifies that the Annual Sales user-defined field has a value greater than 20;000.
< to check that the first value is less than the second value.
- For example; [Contract Expiry Date] < [Last Service Date] verifies that the Contract Expiry Date field is earlier than the Last Service Date field.
- >= to check that the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.
- <= to check that the first value is less than or equal to the second value.
You can compare any values including alphanumeric; date; and numeric values. Alphanumeric values are compared by checking the alphabetical order of the string. When you compare values from table fields; they are treated as alphanumeric values.
For example;
[City] == "Vancouver"
is true only if the value of the City field is set to
Lowercase([City]) == "vancouver"
is true if the value of the City field is set to
"Vancouver"; "vancouver"; OR "VANCOUVER".
For example; the statement
[Category] == "Partner"
will be true only if the only value set in the Category field is
If the Category field also includes the value
the rule would validate with the following statement:
Category == "Distributor; Partner"