The campaign merge fields are specific to automated campaigns. These merge fields can help you track information on your campaign subscribers; like who has opened a campaign email message and who has visited your website from a campaign email message.
The easiest way to use merge fields in HTML is to create an email template using the Campaign Message Editor and to insert the merge fields into the content of the HTML file using the Insert Fields toolbar icon.
- Campaign Opened Email Tracking URL – This merge field tracks the number of customers that have opened an automated campaign email message. It can be used with only HTML message templates. When a customer opens a campaign email message; the email opened count is updated in the automated campaign statistics.
You should add the syntax for this merge field to an image tag in your HTML message. The merge field syntax replaces the value of the SRC attribute in the
element (image element); for example;
- Campaign Redirect URL – This merge field tracks how many customers visit your website as a result of an automated campaign email message. When a customer clicks on a link; the URL visited count is updated.
You can add up to five redirect URL merge fields to your campaign messages. The syntax of each merge field is [Campaign Redirect URL]; [Campaign Redirect URL1]; [Campaign Redirect URL2]; Campaign Redirect URL3]; and [Campaign Redirect URL4].
Add the syntax of these merge fields to hyperlinks in your HTML message. The merge field syntax replaces the value of the HREF attribute in the element (hyperlink element); for example.
You specify the actual URL of the web page in the Landing Page URLs tab of the Email Activity dialog box.
- Manage your email preference – This merge field allows recipients to manage their email preferences. When a recipient clicks on this URL; Maximizer re-directs the recipient to a web page where opt-in email types can be configured. The Address Book entry is updated accordingly.
When you add this merge field to your message; the message editor automatically converts it to a hyperlink for you. It is not necessary to modify the syntax of this merge field to a hyperlink in the HTML source of your message.
- Unsubscribe all emails URL – This merge field unsubscribes customers from the automated email campaign. When a recipient clicks on this URL; the Do Not Solicit By field is set to Email for the entry so that the entry will no longer receive automated campaign emails; and opt-in consent is removed from all email types in the entry’s email profile.
When you add this merge field to your message; the message editor automatically converts it to a hyperlink for you. It is not necessary to modify the syntax of this merge field to a hyperlink in the HTML source of your message.
- Unsubscribe single email type URL – This merge field removes the recipient’s opt-in consent for the current email type. When a recipient clicks on this URL; the entry’s opt-in for the current email type is removed so that the entry will no longer receive emails of that type.
When you add this merge field to your message; the message editor automatically converts it to a hyperlink for you. It is not necessary to modify the syntax of this merge field to a hyperlink in the HTML source of your message.