To complete this procedure; you must have Read permission for campaigns.
You can set your preferences to assign existing Campaigns automatically to new Opportunities. If an Address Book entry is subscribed to a Campaign; the Campaign is assigned to any new Opportunities for the Address Book entry within a specified time period. If the Address Book entry is subscribed to multiple Campaigns in the time period; you are prompted to select a Campaign when you first create the Opportunity.
- In the top-right corner of the page; click the gear icon for Personal Preferences.
- The Personal Preferences dialog box opens.
- Select Automatically assign campaign when creating a new Opportunity.
- From the Limit the search to campaigns created drop-down list; select the period in which campaigns must be created.
You can limit the search to Campaigns created in the current year; quarter; or month.
To ignore the creation date of Campaigns; select All Dates.
- Click Save.