How to Create a New Automated Campaign Template
- Select Campaigns to open the Campaigns Window
- Click on the Edit menu
- Select Automated Campaign Templates
- The Automated Campaign wizard opens – click Add.
Choose whether you are creating an entirely new campaign template by clicking on Start with a New blank template or one that is based on an existing campaign template by selecting Duplicate this existing template and selecting one from the drop-down list. If you choose to base the new campaign template on an existing campaign template; Maximizer copies the content of the existing campaign template into your new campaign template. In this instance, we will create a new campaign template.
- Click Add - Start with a new blank template type in a Name and Description and click OK.
- Click Next.
- In this example; click Add Email.
- Enter the details of the campaign activity in the Add Email Activity dialog box.
Preparing the Email Activity
- Enter the Name and Description of the campaign in the appropriate text boxes.
- Click in the Email Subject text box; then click the ellipsis button to insert a standard merge field (eg. First Name) into the subject line of the email. You can add several merge fields into the subject box if you like.
- Specify the Delay Start (number) days from the Campaign start date; which defines the number of days after the campaign launch that you wish to send the email. When reviewing the activity; “delay of days” becomes “start date” and a pop-up calendar becomes available.
- Specify your preferred Start time; which defines the time of the day the email is to be sent. NB. If you want the email to be sent immediately; select 00:00:00.
The Message Body File
When you click the Message Body More Select Existing Message button; you can choose whether to create a New Plain Text or HTML file and enter a name for the message.
So; for those of you who aren’t HTML wizards but do want to create beautiful content and send it using maximizes campaign Manager; welcome to Bee Pro.
Once you have generated your content in Bee Pro then this video has all you need to know to personalize the content with Maximizer data; and import the HTML into Maximizer:
You can insert smart links into your HTML; including merge tags and tracked links. These include the standard email tracking links; unsubscribe links and click tracking links.
Inserting Special links and Merge tags
- In BeePro go to settings and merge tags.
- Click the add merge tag button and then fill out this simple form.
With Special Links; it is a similar setup. Here is a list of Maximizer special links in square brackets so you can just copy and paste them into your message.
Maximizer HTML Codes:
Email Open Tracking Code:
Link Click Tracking Codes:
- [Campaign Redirect URL]
- [Campaign Redirect URL1]
- [Campaign Redirect URL2]
- [Campaign Redirect URL3]
- [Campaign Redirect URL4]
- Use the following links to manage your email subscriptions:
- [Unsubscribe single email type URL]
- [Unsubscribe all emails URL]
- [Manage your email preference]
Using merge fields or special links
- Create a text box.
- From the menu bar select either Special links or Merge tags.
- For the Email Open Tracking Code; all you need to do is add an HTML content block to the bottom of the email and paste the code into there.
- Once you have selected your message body and returned to the setup screen - Select the Email Addresses tab at the top of the Add Email Activity dialog box. Specify a sender name and address.
- Specify a Reply To name and Reply To email address. The Reply To name once you have selected your message body and returned to the setup screen - Select the Email Addresses tab at the top of the Add Email Activity dialog box. Specify a sender name and address. ould; for example; be your name or the company name; depending on how you want to be addressed if the recipient responds. Replies To email address directs any email response to this address. If you are targeting a large audience; it may be useful to set up an email address specifically for replies.
Select the Attachments tab and click the Add button to add any attachments. We recommend that you do not use attachments as they may increase your spam rating. Far better is to add a link to the document on your website (and even track that link).
Select the Landing Page URLs tab.
- Click OK to finish creating the activity.
- Click Next.
Click Finish to save the template. If the Launch a new Campaign based on this template option is chosen; the new Automated Campaign wizard will be launched immediately.
How to Send an Automated Campaign
- Select Campaigns to open the Campaigns Window click on the Edit menu select Automated Campaign Templates or select Add Automated Campaign by right-clicking your mouse in the Campaigns window. Any of these actions will prompt the Automated Campaign wizard to appear. (see below).
- Enter the campaign's name; description; budget; and expected revenue (if applicable)
- Specify the Start Date for this Campaign.
- Click Next.
- Choose one of the following Address Book entry selection options for the Automated Campaign Subscribers:
- Favorite List (recommended) – Applies the Automated campaign to one of your favorite Address Book entry lists. Select a Favourite List from the drop-down list. We have created a Favourite List called “!! Campaign Test Contacts” which will appear at the top of the list and contains only test contacts
- Saved Search – Applies the Automated campaign to one of your favorite Address Book Saved Searches. Select a Saved Search from the drop-down list.
- No selection (choose Address Book Entries later) – Creates the Automated Campaign with no Subscribers; but allows you to add Subscribers to the Campaign at a later date.
- Click Finish to launch the Automated Campaign. Maximizer displays the new Automated Campaign entry in your Campaigns window with the status In Progress.
Analyzing the Results of a Campaign
- Start by clicking on the Basic Information tab.
- Next; click on the Campaign Plan tab.
- The Emails Opened and Emails Opened Unique are tracked through the [Campaign_Opened_Email_Tracking_URL] merge field; which may be included in your email template.
- Emails Opened is the number of times an email is opened in total and the count is incrementally updated when subscribers open an email message; even if this is multiple times.
- Emails Opened Unique is the number of times each different subscriber opens an email message. The count is not updated if subscribers open the message multiple times.
- The URL Visited and URL Visited Unique are tracked through the [Campaign_Redirect_URL/1/2/3/4] merge fields; which may be included in your email template. These fields are incrementally updated in the same way as the Email Opened and Emails Opened Unique fields.
- URL Visited is the number of times a URL is visited in total and the count is incrementally updated when the URL is visited; even if this is multiple times by subscribers.
- URL Visited Unique is the number of times each different subscriber visits a URL. The count is not updated if subscribers visit the URL multiple times.
In the Subscribers tab; you will see who the email campaign was sent to via a list of people and their email addresses.
You can Add any Address Book entries as subscribers at any time to existing automated campaigns. You can search for an Address Book entry to add it individually, or you can add Address Book entries from a Favourite List. If you add a subscriber to an ongoing campaign; the campaign is run from the beginning and all activities are completed at their scheduled intervals.
You can also Remove Address Book entries that are already subscribed to a campaign. You can remove the current Address Book entry in the Address Book window; you can select entries to remove from the campaign directly in the Subscribers tab; or you can remove all entries in the current list of Address Book entries.
You can also retrieve lists of Address Book records from a specific Campaign (e.g. Everyone the Campaign was sent to? Everyone who clicked on a tracked link? Everyone who unsubscribed from that Campaign?) by right-clicking on a Campaign and selecting any of the following options:
Retrieve Address Book Entries (everyone the Campaign was sent to)
Retrieve Address Book Entries by Activity (see below)
Retrieve Clicked-Through Address Book Entries (anyone who clicked on any of the tracked links)
Retrieve Opened email address Book Entries (anyone who opened the email with images displayed)
Retrieve Unsubscribed Address Book Entries (anyone who unsubscribed from that Campaign)
Retrieve Unsuccessful Address Book Entries
Select Clicked-through entries and pick the Landing Page (tracked link) you want to retrieve the click-throughs.
Alternatively; click Custom to select more than one Landing Page.