The quick search only returns entries containing the full words specified in the search field; and will not match partial words. For example; if you search for the word "hedge"; only entries containing the full word "hedge" are returned. Entries containing the word "hedgehog" are not returned.
If you would like to search for partial words; you can use the * or ~ wildcard operator in your search. The * operator will match any sequence of characters at the end of a word. The ~ operator allows you to search for both plural and singular forms of a word.
For example; using the * wildcard; if you search for the phrase "part*"; any entries containing a word that begins with "part" will be returned; including "part" and "partial".
Using the ~ wildcard; if you were to search for the phrase "entry~"; any entries that contain either the singular form of the word "entry" or the plural form "entries" will be returned.