You can send an email to all your clients from the Address Book or you can perform an advanced search to select specific Address Book entries.
You cannot send more than 1000 emails at once. Send them in smaller groups if needed.
Retrieve the entries.
- Retrieve the list of entries you want to send an email to.
There are 3 methods to do this:
Select Entries from the Address Book
- In the Address Book; click the boxes beside the entries you'd like to send an email to.
- Click the top in the column setup bar to select all entries in the Address Book.
- Perform an Advanced Search Select
- Search Advanced Search.
- Click Add.
- Select your fields and click OK.
To search for a field; enter all or part of a field name in the search box and click the search icon.
To be able to select more than one field; you must have the "Allow multi-selection in the Advanced Search" option enabled in the Personal Preferences. This option is off by default.
- For each field selected in the previous step; select or specify values in the dialog box that is provided and click Add then press OK.
- For date fields; select Rolling date range to specify date values relative to the current date or select Specified date range to specify the exact values of the date.
- For alphanumeric; date; and numeric fields; specify values in the From and To fields to return any values within the range.
- If applicable; indicate under Search conditions whether to return entries that match all values, or that match one or more values.
- Select the Search for no value checkbox to search for entries where no value is assigned to the selected field.
- Specify the remaining search criteria in the Advanced Search dialog box.
To build a list of entries that excludes a certain group; as in a list of all Address Book entries except those in a certain state or province; use the Not Equal button.
- In the Modify current entries list area; select one of the options.
- Add search results to the list displays the entries that match your search criteria; without removing any currently displayed entries from the list.
- Narrow list searches only selected entries (or all currently displayed entries if none are selected); and removes any entries that do not match your search criteria.
- Replace the list with search results Remove all entries currently displayed in the list and replace them with entries that match your search criteria.
You can choose to further narrow the search by specifying options to include or omit sales leads.
- Click OK to run the search.
- Retrieve Entries from a Favorite List
You can make a favorite list to send and easily retrieve a specific entry list every time.
- Select the list of entries you would like to email.
- Click the checkbox to the left of the entries or click the checkbox above the entries to select all the entries in the list.
- Click View Favorite Lists.
- Select Add to Make a Favorite List.
- Give your Favorite List a name.
- In the Full Access and Read Access fields; select a Maximizer user or security group with access to the Favorite List.
Press OK.
Your Favorite List has been created.
- To open your Favorite List; select View Favorite List.
- Select your Favorite List and click Retrieve.
Creating the Email
- Once you have retrieved your list;
- Select Actions Write an email.
- Right-click and select Write an email.
- Select All selected entries if you handpicked your list.
- Select All entries in the list if you used a favorite list or performed an advanced search.
- Type your email in the text box or click the Template icon to insert your email template.
Insert merge fields in your email to personalize each email. Click here to learn how.
To learn how to create an Email Template; click here.
In the To field; Merge to list indicates that each selected entry will receive a personalized email from you.
- Choose an option from the Send as: drop-down list.
- Select Separately to send a separate email message to each Address Book entry.
- Select One email to send one email message to all the selected entries at once.
- Choose an Email type from the drop-down list.
- Click Send.
The Emails will not be sent if you are prompted with an error message. Read and correct the error(s) and click Send to try again.
Do not press send more than once; if you do; duplicate emails may be sent to the recipients.
For example:
Click here to learn how to send mass emails.