Maximizer allows you to set up different email types for which you can specify whether recipient consent is required or not in order to receive that type of email. You can manage the consent; or opt-in settings for your email recipients via the email profile of each Address Book entry’s email address.
When sending an email type that requires consent from Maximizer; the email profiles of the recipients are checked to ensure that they have consented; or opted-in to receive that type of email; and the email will only be sent to those recipients who have opted-in to that email type. The email types available in Maximizer can be configured by your system administrator.
If no email type is configured in Maximizer then the default value will be blank for email type. You can manage the email profile and opt-in information for your Address Book entries in the Details tab of the following pane on the Address Book page.
You can set up email profiles for the email addresses of each company; individual; or contact in your Address Book. The email profile for each email address allows you to select the email types that the entry has opted-in to for that email address. You can select multiple opt-in email types for each email address. For each email type that has been opted-in to; you can specify the Opt-in date; the date that opt-in consent expires; and a comment about the opt-in consent. The email profile for each email address can be viewed by hovering over the email address in the Details tab of the following pane on the Maximizer Address Book page.
To add an email type
- In the left pane; under Preferences; select System Fields.
- Expand the Address Book; Opportunity; Campaign and Customer Service sections.
- Click the plus sign next to the Email type field.
- Click Add New Value.
- Enter the name of the item.
- Specify the user who requested the item.
- From the Category drop-down list; select a category.
- Select Permission from the email recipients required to check the email profile before sending this type of email to the recipient.
- Select Permission from the email recipients not required to send this type of email without checking the email profile.
- Select the Default email type for outgoing messages checkbox to make this email type the default option for all outgoing email messages.
- Enter the Description for additional notes on the email type.
- Click Save to finish adding the item.