Jump To Dashboard feature
The Jump to Dashboard plug-in creates shortcuts from a widget in one dashboard to another widget in another dashboard via a new browser tab or a popup window.
This add-on is useful for presenting additional information about specific series on demand by jumping across dashboards without the need to present all of the data in a single dashboard.
How does it work (for viewers)?
Depending on the designer's configuration; viewers can either click the widget to automatically jump to a default dashboard or right-click a value in the widget and jump to the relevant dashboard
All 'jumpable' widgets have this symbol in the top left corner:
How to enable drill-down (for designers)?
- Create a new dashboard that you want to jump to. When naming the new dashboard; add the prefix “_drill_” to the title to indicate this is a target dashboard. The default settings define that target dashboards won’t appear to the users in the 'Dashboards' list; and are only accessible when jumping to them.
Enable 'Jump-To-Dashboard' feature in the original dashboard. Go back to the dashboard and widget from where you would like to enable the Jump-To-Dashboard feature.
- Enter the editing mode of the desired widget and click on the Options icon on the top right corner
- Now go to Actions > Edit Script
- Carefully copy and paste this script to the newly opened Edit Script tab
prism.jumpToDashboard(widget; { displayDashboardsPane:false; displayToolbarRow :false; displayHeaderRow :false; displayFilterPane: false});
- Enter the editing mode of the desired widget and click on the Options icon on the top right corner
The final result should look like this:
- Click Save
- Go back to the widget designer tab and click Apply and refresh the widget.
- Define the target dashboard in a widget designer. Now the 'Jump to dashboard' should appear and you can choose the target dashboard from the all available (all dashboards with _drill_ prefix).
- Now when you go back to the dashboard you can click on the widget and the target dashboard will popup as an overlay; allowing viewers to see details without overpopulating the original dashboard.
Jump to Dashboard feature to the widget (Advanced)
While the default settings of the Jump To Dashboard add-on do not require any JavaScript configuration; you can change the settings per widget by editing the widget’s script. This allows you to modify the default behavior such as how to navigate to your target dashboards.
Default settings can be changed by editing the widget’s script.
For a full list of all the changes you can make; see the Parameters table below.
List of Parameters (for developers)
The following table provides a list of parameters you can modify in the configuration JavaScript file.
The code below can be modified. Paste the code below (after editing the required parameters):
prism.jumpToDashboard(widget; { :});
When changing a few parameters; the below syntax should be used:
prism.jumpToDashboard(widget; { :; :; :});
For example: prism.jumpToDashboard(widget; { displayDashboardsPane:false; displayToolbarRow :false; displayHeaderRow :false});
To remove all setting defined (erasing the script will still keep the previous settings):
prism.jumpToDashboard(widget; { });
Note: When excluding the date dimension using parameter excludeFilterDims; (Calendar) must be used or the exclusion will not work. Example: [Table.Dimension(Calendar)]
Parameter |
Description |
Value Types |
Values |
drilledDashboardDisplayType |
Defines how to display the drilled dashboard. |
DisplayTypeId |
Default Value: 1 Possible Values: 1 New tab 2 Popup window 3 Current tab |
drilledDashboardsFolderPrefix |
The prefix of the folder; the dashboards inside which can be drilled to. |
String |
“” |
displayFilterPane |
Determines if to display filter pane in the target dashboard window. |
Boolean |
Default Value: true Possible Values: true/false |
displayDashboardsPane |
Determines if to display dashboards pane in the target dashboard window. |
Boolean |
Default Value: true Possible Values: true/false |
displayHeaderRow |
Display header in the drilled dashboard window. |
Boolean |
true |
displayToolbarRow |
Determines if to display toolbar in the drilled dashboard window. |
Boolean |
Default Value: true Possible Values: true/false |
volatile |
Volatile for the drilled dashboard window. |
Boolean |
true |
drillToDashboardRightMenuCaption |
The caption for the drill to dashboard right menu. |
String |
Default Value: Jump to Dashboard Possible Values: Any |
drillToDashboardNavigateType drillToDashboardNavigateTypePivot drillToDashboardNavigateTypeCharts drillToDashboardNavigateTypeOthers |
Determines how to navigate to the configured drilled dashboard. |
NavigateTypeId |
Default Value: 2 Possible Values: 1 Right-click on a pivot cell/ point or indicator Pivot; Indicator; Charts. 2 Link on pivot measured cells Pivot. 3 Click on Indicator widget; RichTextEditor; Image. Widget; |
modalWindowWidth |
Modal window width when the selected display type is modal window. |
Number |
Null |
modalWindowHeight |
Modal window height whenhe selected display type is modal window. |
Number |
Null |
excludeFilterDims |
Dimensions to exclude from the drilled dashboard filter. |
Array of DIM |
Default Value: [] Possible Values: “[table.dimension]” |
includeFilterDims |
Dimensions to include in the drilled dashboard filter. |
Array of DIM |
Default Value: [] Possible Values: “[table.dimension]” |
dashboardId |
Drilled dashboard ID. When set to null; a drilled dashboard menu will be available in the widget editor. |
String |
Default Value: Null Possible Values: Dashboard ID |
dashboardIds |
Multiple target Dashboards. |
Array of objects |
[]{id:””; caption:””} |
dashboardCaption |
Drilled dashboard caption. |
String |
null |