Sharing Dashboards
Dashboard owner
Dashboard Owners can share dashboards they have created with other Insights users. An owner is anyone who has created a dashboard. When owners share a dashboard; they can define the level of access the recipient receives. This includes one of two options:
- Designer access level. Designers have editing rights.
- Viewer access level. Viewers have viewing/filtering rights.
Once a dashboard is shared; the icon appears next to the dashboard name in the Dashboards navigation panel:

You can hover over a dashboard in the Dashboards list to view ownership details. This is your go to person for questions about this dashboard:
A dashboard recipient can edit the dashboard if you grant them permission; but the changes they make in the dashboard do not affect your copy of the dashboard. The recipient’s changes are automatically performed on a separate copy of the dashboard (to which only they have access). Dashboard recipients can revert to your latest shared copy at any time by clicking the dashboard’s menu in the Dashboards list and selecting Restore Dashboard.
How to share a dashboard
- In the heading of your dashboard; click the Share
In the Dashboards list; click the dashboard you want to share and select > Share.
- Enter the emails or names of the users you want to share with.
The contact information of the people you add is displayed the next time you open this window. - In the drop down menu next to each name; select whether the person is a Designer with editing rights (Can edit) or a Viewer.
- Toggle the Email Reports
button next to each user/user group on/off to define whether the user receives scheduled email reports of the dashboard. Read more on email reports below.
- Click Save.
Publishing Dashboards to Recipients
The owner of a dashboard must publish their updated dashboard to update the dashboards of their recipients; and the dashboard recipients must refresh the dashboard before any of the owner’s changes are applied.
To publish or republish a dashboard to your recipients:
In the heading of your dashboard; click Republish.
In the Dashboards list; click the dashboard’s name and select > Republish.
Updating a Shared Dashboard
When a recipient modifies a shared dashboard; those changes remain local unless the recipient updates their dashboard to match the dashboard of the owner. If the recipient updates their shared dashboard to match the dashboard of the owner; any of their local changes to the dashboard are overwritten.
To update a shared dashboard or to restore to the default settings set by a dashboard owner:
- In the heading of your dashboard; click
> Restore Dashboard.
In the Dashboards list; click the dashboard’s name and select > Restore Dashboard.
- Click Yes to confirm that you want to update the shared dashboard.