How-to interact with Insights dashboards when you have Dashboard Read permission
If it's your first time accessing Insights; you'll receive the welcome below:
The left panel shows if there any dashboards already accessible to you.
Who is a 'Viewer' in Insights?
A viewer is a person who can only view dashboards created by somebody else.
A dashboard creator or 'Dashboard Owner' has ultimate rights for the dashboard. For example; s/he can modify a dashboard at anytime and republish changes. Also; an owner can add/remove people who have access to the dashboard. If an owner revoked a viewer's rights; the dashboard simply disappears from the viewer's dashboard list without notice.
You can easily find the name and email of an owner by hovering over a dashboard's name.
This list provides the following information:
Name: The name of the dashboard.
Owner: The name of the dashboard's owner.
Created Date: The date and time of dashboard creation.
Last Modified: The last time the dashboard was modified. Any changes to the dashboard or to the dashboard metadata (share list; and reporting schedule) affect the “last modified” timestamp.
How can a viewer interact with dashboard?
For detailed walk through; check the presentation below: