Widget Designer
Widget Designer Video Tutorial
After the first widget is created; you can continue to create widgets the same way; but inevitably you will check Widget Designer or Advanced Configuration to discover more functions. The Widget Designer lets you fine-tune a widget’s appearance and behavior.
To access Widget Designer; click Advanced Configuration. You will create all your widgets here.
An empty Widget Designer will look like this:
The Widget Designer enables you to select data to be included in a widget and provide options to customize the dashboard.
- Click the arrow to change the visualization. By default; it sets to Line Chart.
- Adding Data to the Widget (Data Panel): Used for selecting the values to appear in the widget and those needed to group the data. The options differ depending on the chart type. Learn more about Data Panel.
- Previewing the Widget: The center of the window displays the current design and content of the widget; which automatically changes each time you select a different option in this window.
- Adding a title to the dashboard: Click Set a Title and enter a new title for the widget. You can also add a widget title directly from the dashboard.
- Accessing More Options: Displays a menu of additional options for the widget.
- Edit Script can be used for creating custom buckets or a target line based on the custom Javascript.
- Edit your options by clicking the Options icon.
- Widget affects dashboard filters (by default set as active): Allows automatic slice (or filter) for your dashboard based on selection. For example; if you click on one column; the value of this field will be selected as a dashboard filter. Sometimes this is not desired because adding a new filter that should not be applied to all widgets may confuse your viewers. To disable; uncheck 'Widget affects dashboard filters' option.
- Enable Drill to Anywhere (by default set as active): Allows automatic slice (or filter) for your dashboard based on selection.
- Prediction Options: Applied for Regression Line to show a trend for a certain period of time.
- Hide Title Bar: Check this option if you want to hide a Title Bar. Click Apply and refresh the dashboard.
- Jump to dashboard (advanced): A plug-in that allows you to drill from this widget to another dashboard. The drill down can only be done to the dashboards that have a prefix _drill_.
- Apply Filters to your dashboard.
- Filtering the Widget (Filter Panel): Lets you manage the filters that affect this widget. Learn more about filters in this article Insights - Working With Filters.
By default all dashboard filters are applied to all widgets. You can choose specific dashboard filters that affect a widget. Toggle ON/OFF dashboard filters you want to apply or disable.
If you want the selection on a widget to serve as a slicer; choose Slice/Filter; otherwise choose Highlight.
All specific filters that apply to a widget are shown under Widget Filters.
- Designing the Widget (Design Panel): Provides a variety of options for fine-tuning the appearance of the Widget including labels; legends; line types and more. Some of these options need to be turned on for you to configure them. The options differ depend on the visualization (chart type).
- Update on every change:
- Selected – Data changes are automatically and dynamically updated in the display.
- Not selected – you have to click UPDATE to display your latest changes in the widget. Clearing this checkbox may be useful when you are working with very large datasets where query times might be slower.