To complete this procedure; you must have Modify permission for Opportunities; and you must either be assigned as the leader or be a team member with edit rights in the Opportunity.
When you add a new Opportunity; its status is set to “In progress”. By default; when you open the Opportunities page; your current or “In progress”; opportunities are displayed. You can change the status of an Opportunity to indicate that the Opportunity is won; lost; abandoned; or suspended.
If the Opportunity is won; the revenue for the opportunity is recognized against any quotas assigned to the leader or sales team. If the Address Book entries associated with the Opportunity are sales leads; the entries are automatically converted to regular entries (not sales leads).
- Click on the Opportunity to make it the current entry.
- In the following pane; select the Details tab; and click Edit.
- From the Status drop-down list; select the status of the Opportunity: Won; Lost to; or Abandoned.
- If the Opportunity is won; in the Actual Revenue field; enter the revenue.
By default; the projected revenue is displayed.
- If the Opportunity is lost; from the Lost To drop-down list; select the competitor who won the Opportunity.
From the Reason drop-down list; select a reason for completing the opportunity; and in the Comment field; enter a comment; as desired.
- If the Opportunity is Suspended; select the date and choose a reason from the drop-down list.
- Click Save.