In Maximizer; you can make changes or edits to existing catalog search items that you or a team mate may have saved.
To change or update the criteria contained in an Advance search catalog item; follow this process:
- Select Search > Advanced Search.
- Select Catalog.
- In the Search catalog; select the saved search item that you wish to modify.
- Select Retrieve.
- This will recall the saved advanced search and display the advanced search window containing the search criteria you had specified previously.
- Next; make the appropriate edits to the advanced search as required by using the any of the options in this window.
In this case; we will change the “City/Town” field from “Vancouver” to “Calgary" and select OK.
- Click Catalog to save the changes to this search.
- Select the advanced search item you wish to over-write and press Save.
- Alternatively; if you wish to create a completely new search catalog item; select Add.
- Finally; input a new name/ Access rights for this search catalog item and select OK to finish.