'Your dashboards are on the way' message didn't disappear after 24hr; while normally it would go away after the data synchronization is done.
This error usually happens for older databases converted from on-premise.
Maximizer user hasn't been synced to the Sisense server yet. If the sync already happened but the user is still not enabled go to the next reason
At the moment of Insights activation multiple users have the same primary email address (Email1) and one of the users doesn't have the rights to access Dashboards.
Go to Administration > Administrator > Users> make sure that all users have unique primary emails. The error will be resolved on the next data sync.
'Cannot validate the user' message
This error indicates that Maximizer CRM is still loading in the background and a user is trying to access Insights. It might take few seconds after login into Maximizer to pass credentials to Insights.
Insights module was opened when a user was logged out of CRM due to a timed-out session.
Refresh the browser. If it doesn't help go to another module; let the application load correctly before heading back to Insights.
'The email is already used' error message
This message is typical for the users with multiple Maximizer databases
The primary email related to the user (Email 1) is already used in another CRM Live database.
Make sure that Email 1 is unique across all Maximizer CRM Live databases. Read more about this topic in this article Insights - User Setup
In case a user can't resolve this on his own (for example; doesn't recall another database login) follow these steps:
Ask for the customer's email address (Email1); user ID; and the database ID
Contact Support representative with access to Sisense server
Go to Sisense server > Admin > Users > Search email to identify what user is currently associated with this email.
Depending on the customer's preference; delete the old user from the Sisense server (warning for dashboard loss!) and let automation populate the correct user on the next sync cycle. This solution will work only if the old user is disabled; or doesn't have access rights to access Insights anymore. If this is not the case; let the user update emails and/or Insights dashboard permissions; before deleting the user from the Sisense server.