Working with Filters
Dashboard Filters Video Tutorial
Background filters: Avoid clutter and limit filtering options.
Lock filters: Apply a filter but disable changing it on the fly.
Dependent filters: Country > State > Town
Filtering types for text; numeric and time-date fields.
Filtering Levels
Since filters allow you to specify a subset of data you want to see; they are a corner stone of any reporting. By understanding how filters work and interact; you will understand a huge chunk of Insights.
There are two main levels of filters: Dashboard filters and Widget filters. You can also apply filters inside formulas which is not covered in this article; but they work exactly the same.
Dashboard Filters for Viewers
Viewers can explore data with the help of filters to a limited extent outlined by a dashboard owner.
Here are the basics available for every viewer:
Dashboard Filters for Designers
- The Filters panel on the right of the dashboard provides data filtering options that affect the data displayed in the widgets.
- You can change these filters on the fly to focus on more specific data.
- You can also disable a dashboard filter for one widget.
- You can set dependent filters; e.g. Country > State/Province > City/Town.
- You can set filters as background filters; meaning that dashboard viewers can only play within the range you chose.
- You can lock filters so they can't be changed.
Widget Filters
- Work the same way as dashboard filters; but applies only to this particular widget.
- On the widget level; you can also partially enable/disable dashboard filters of your choice (1)
- You can add as many widget filters as needed by simply clicking '+' (2).
Filtering types
Filtering options depend on the field type: alphanumeric; numeric or date-time. List and Starred options are the same for all field types; but two others are different.
Alphanumeric Filters
If you want to filter an alphanumeric field; e.g. ‘Owner’ you have four options (1):
- List - A list of all accessible values; can select one or multiple options
- Text - Helpful for specific searches (2)
- Ranking Top/bottom items - based on a field of your choice (3)
- Starred - Contains your favorite options
Numeric Filters
If you want to filter a numeric field; e.g. ‘Revenue’ you have follow options (1):
- List - A list of all accessible values; can select one or multiple options
- Values - Enables you to limit your dashboards to specific value ranges
- Ranking Top/bottom items - Based on a field of your choice
- Starred - Contains your favorite options
Time-Date Filters
If you want to filter on Time-Date field; e.g. ‘Creation Date’; you have four options:
- List - A list of all accessible values; can select one or multiple options
- Calendar - Choose specific date ranges
- Time Frame - Contains popular time ranges (1)
- Starred - Contains your favorite options
Locking Filters
As a Designer; you can lock a filter; preventing Viewers from making any changes. The Viewer will be able to see the defined filter settings; but the filter will be disabled for editing.
To lock a filter:
- Click the Filter menu.
- Click Lock.
- A lock icon appears to indicate that the filter is locked.
- To unlock the filter; click on the Filter Menu; and select Unlock.
Dependent Filters
Dependent Filters combine multiple dashboard filters into a hierarchy of filters where each filter shows only the options relevant to its parent filters. When you filter the parent filter; fewer options will be available in the child filter.
To Define a Dashboard Dependent Filter:
- The top level (most inclusive) filter of the Dependent Filter must first be defined in the usual manner (see Creating Dashboard Filters). This newly added filter then appears on the dashboard.
- On the parent filter; click + or click
and then click Add a Dependent Filter.
- Define the child filter in the usual manner (see Creating Dashboard Filters). The number of available options for selection in the child filter is narrowed down because of the selections in the parent filter. The child filter appears on the dashboard with a down arrow indicating the parent filter and its dependent filter below.
- Repeat this step for each new child filter to create as many sub-levels of Dependent Filters as you need.
Limiting Filters to Specific Values with Background Filters
As a Designer; you can define which fields in a filter will be visible to Viewers. After defining which fields will be included in the filter; viewers will be able to use the updated and restricted filter to further filter the dashboard or widget using the available fields.
This eliminates the search process through a long list of fields when Viewers only require selected data. It is also helpful for security purposes; where you do not want to expose certain data.
Example 1 – Simple List Filter
A filter includes a list of 10 countries. As a designer; you can limit the filter to include only five specified countries. Viewers will see the filter as having only five countries to include or exclude in the filter.
Example 2 – Conditional Filter
Another example requires having only the top 5 countries by population included in the available list of countries. In this case; Viewers will only see five countries. However; the list of countries will depend on the population sizes and any changes that may affect which countries are in the top 5.
To create a background filter:
Create a background filter using one of the following methods:
- In a filter without selected values; open the filter’s menu and click Create Background Filter. Define your filter settings; and click OK.
- If you made changes to your filter (either by editing the filter or by selecting values directly in the filter); you can open the filter’s menu; and click Set as Background Filter.
The background filter is indicated by a filter icon.

To Edit a Background Filter:
- In the filter’s menu; click Edit Background Filter.
- Update the filter settings; and click OK.
To Remove a Background Filter:
In the filter’s menu; click Remove Background Filter.