Alternatively; you can go to a folder. Click on the folder menu and select New Dashboard.
The following window appears:
Click Title to enter a name for the dashboard. This name will appear at the top of the dashboard; and in the Dashboards list.
Click Create.
Adding widgets
Widget Wizard will guide you through the process of creating your first widget in the dashboard. The wizard’s recommendations will help you create a great widget.
Click Select Data to start.
Choose your fields.
If you want more control over your widget’s appearance and behavior; click Advanced Configuration on the bottom left of the wizard to access a rich variety of additional design options; as described in Widget Designer.
Give your widget a name
But your widget is not helpful yet; because it has only one field!
Repeat step 1 above to add more fields to the widget. The fields that you select are listed across the top left of the wizard.
You can click on each visualization button to display the selected fields as that widget type. For example; the same widget as above could be displayed as a Pie chart:
Add a title and you are done!
You can continue adding more widgets to your dashboard; but we recommend no more than 10 widgets. To learn more read about Widget Designer.