Maximizer can help you comply with anti-spam regulations by preventing certain types of email from being sent from Maximizer without the recipient’s consent.
Maximizer allows you to set up different email types for which you can specify whether recipient consent is required or not in order to receive that type of email. You can manage the consent; or opt-in settings for your email recipients via the email profile of each Address Book entry’s email address.
When sending an email type that requires consent from Maximizer; the email profiles of the recipients are checked to ensure that they have consented; or opted-in to receive that type of email; and the email will only be sent to those recipients who have opted-in to that email type.
For example; you could create an email type called “Marketing” to be used when sending promotional email; and another email type called “Service” to be used when sending customer service emails; and specify that consent is required for the “Marketing” type emails; but is not required for the “Service” type emails. When sending a “Marketing” type email; the email would not be sent to any recipients who have not opted-in to receive promotional emails. On the other hand; since no consent is required when sending a “Service” type email; the email would be sent without checking the email profiles of the recipients.
You can use the “Do Not Solicit By” field to prevent automated campaign emails from being sent to your Address Book entries. If the “Do Not Solicit By” field is set to “Email” for an entry; no automated campaign emails will be sent to that entry; regardless of the entry’s other email profile settings.