You can add a Favorite List to your quick access toolbar from the Favorite Lists dialog. When adding a Favorite List to the Quick Access toolbar you can choose how you want the Favorite List to appear in the toolbar by specifying a name and icon for the shortcut.
You can add Favorite Lists from the Favorite Lists dialog in the Contact List; Client Service; and Accounts pages.
Select View > Favorite Lists.
If necessary; from the Show drop-down list; select My Favorite Lists or All Favorite Lists to change the list of Favorite Lists displayed.
Select the Favorite List that you want to create a shortcut for and click Add to Icon BarforQuick Access.
Enter a Name and select an Icon for the new Quick Access toolbar shortcut; and click Save.
When you select a Quick Access toolbar shortcut; Maximizer CRM automatically switches to the appropriate page and retrieves the associated saved search or Favorite List.