When you set up a territory; you can define rules that an Address Book entry must match to be assigned to the territory during an alignment. To build the rules; use fields such as City; Country; State/Province and Zip/Postal Code. You can also use user-defined fields.
During an alignment; entries are tested against territories in the order the territories appear in the Territory list. If an entry matches the rules of more than one territory; the territory appearing higher in the list is assigned to the entry.
All entries match a territory that does not contain any rules. So if you create such a territory; it is placed by default at the bottom of the Territory list. Otherwise; entries matching the rules of territories appearing after it would not be matched to these territories. Instead, they would be matched to the territory without rules.
- From the Address Book page; select Edit Territory Management.
- The Territory Management dialog box opens.
- Under the Setup tab; select the territory you want to add/modify and click Add.
- The Add/Modify Territory dialog box opens.
- Enter a territory name.
- Next to the Account Manager field, click the ellipsis, select Account Managers for the territory from the list of available users, and Click Ok.
- Click Add to select the basic or user defined fields you need to define territory rules, and Click Ok.
The Field Values for Search dialog box will open.
- Enter the values for the fields you have chosen to search and click Add.
- Under Search condition; specify whether Address Book entries Must match all; or Match one or more of the territory rules.
- Click Ok.
- The new territory is added to the Territory list.
- If required; click the Move Up and Move Down buttons to move the territory in the list.