Supported Field Mappings
Maximizer Connect only supports synchronization between certain field types. When setting up the field mappings for your Mailchimp fields; the list of Maximizer fields is filtered so that only compatible fields are available for selection. Each of the Mailchimp field types and the supported Maximizer field types that they may be mapped to are listed below.
If; after setting up your field mappings; you change the type of a mapped field in Maximizer; synchronization for that field will fail. For example; if you change a multi-value table field to a single-value table field; or vice-versa; the field will no longer sync.
Mailchimp Field Types
- Group – Mailchimp Groups can only be mapped to multi-value table fields in Maximizer.
- Check Boxes – Can only be mapped to multi-value table fields in Maximizer.
- Text – Can only be mapped to alphanumeric fields in Maximizer. If a Text field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; a value of “-” is set for the field.
Number – Can only be mapped to numeric fields in Maximizer.
If a Number field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; a value of “0” is set for the field.
Radio Buttons – Can only be mapped to single-value table fields in Maximizer.
If a Radio Buttons field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; the first item is selected.
Drop Down – Can only be mapped to single-value table fields in Maximizer.
If a Drop Down field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; the first item is selected. -
Date – Can only be mapped to date fields in Maximizer.
If a Date field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; the field is set to the current date. -
Birthday – Can only be mapped to date fields in Maximizer.
When synchronizing the value in a Birthday field from Mailchimp to Maximizer; the current year is added to the date automatically. To prevent the current year from being added Birthday fields synchronized from Mailchimp; you can select a Date user-defined field with the “Annually recurring event” option and without the “Retain year” option as the mapped field in Maximizer.
If a Birthday field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; the field is set to the current date. -
Address – Can only be mapped to alphanumeric fields in Maximizer. Typically the Mailchimp Address fields; such as Street Address; City; and Postal/Zip should be mapped to the corresponding basic field in Maximizer.
If an Address field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; a value of “-” is set for the field. -
Zip Code – Can only be mapped to alphanumeric fields in Maximizer. Typically the Mailchimp Postal/Zip field should be mapped to the Zip Code basic field in Maximizer.
If a Zip Code field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; a value of “10000” is set for the field. -
Phone – Can only be mapped to alphanumeric fields in Maximizer. Typically the Phone Number field in Mailchimp should be mapped to the Phone basic field in Maximizer.
When synchronizing a value from Maximizer to a Phone field in Mailchimp; if an invalid phone number format is detected; Maximizer Connect will try to convert the value to make it valid.
If a Phone field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; a value of “-” is set for the field. -
Website – Can only be mapped to alphanumeric fields in Maximizer. Typically the Website field in Mailchimp should be mapped to the Web Site basic field in Maximizer.
If a Text field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; a value of “” is set for the field. - Image – Can only be mapped to alphanumeric fields in Maximizer. If a Text field in Mailchimp is mandatory but the mapped field in Maximizer does not have a value; a value of “” is set for the field.