Interactions are associated with Address Book entries; but can also be accessed from the following modules:
- Opportunities
- Customer Service
- Hotlist
Therefore; an interaction can be created from all these modules; as well as from the Leads module. At the time of creating an interaction; you can link it to an opportunity or a case. You can also create a related appointment or a hotlist task.
To show or hide a tab; click the plus icon next to the tabs; and in the Customize your tabs window; click the eye icon next to a tab to show or hide it.
If you created phone notes previously; use Note Conversion to convert them to Interaction logs.
Create an Interaction
- Log on to Maximizer CRM.
- Open the Interaction Log window by performing any of the following steps:
- Under the Interactions tab in the Address Book module; the Opportunities module; the Customer Service module; or the Hotlist module; click the pencil icon in the right pane.
- In the Address Book module; the Opportunities module; the Customer Service module; or the Hotlist module; click Actions > Log an interaction.
- Select a lead; click + ADD in the Interactions panel; and from the list of options; click an interaction type except Appointment and Task. The options Appointment and Task will create an appointment and a hotlist task respectively.
- On the Interaction Log window; do the following:
Interaction type list
Select the desired activity. If the interaction type is bi-directional; another list will appear next to the interaction type list. From this list; select the direction of the communication; incoming or outgoing.
In the duration picker box; enter the duration of this interaction in the HH:MM:SS format.
If you select Phone Call in this list; the Source list changes to a combo box. You can either type a phone number or select one from the available options.
Enter a source of the interaction. For example; for a phone call; type the phone number of the contact.
Set a date and time for the interaction.
From the list; select a subject; or add a new one. The subject represents the nature of the interaction.
To add a new subject:
- From the subject list; click Edit List.
- In the Set Up Items window; to add a new subject; click ADD ITEM.
- In the text box that appears at the bottom of the list; type a name for the subject; and click SAVE. The newly-added subject is placed alphabetically in the list.
- To sort the Subject list; drag an individual item; and drop it at an appropriate position. Click SORT ITEMS to make the sorting order alphabetical.
- To hide or show a subject; click the eye icon next to it.
- To delete a subject; click the drop-down arrow next to a subject; click Delete; and then click Yes.
- Click Close.
From the list; select an appropriate category. This list will contain categories that you added at the time of configuring Interactions.
From the list; select an appropriate result. This list will contain results that you added at the time of configuring Interactions.
Full Access
Select the user or groups that will have full access to this interaction. To grant full access to everyone; select Public. If you set Full Access to Public; Read Access is automatically set to Public.
Read Access
Select the user or groups that will have read access to this interaction. To grant read access to everyone; select Public.
Enter notes; if necessary.
- Link an opportunity:
- Click the Opportunities icon.
- On the Select Entry window; click an opportunity; and then click OK.
- (If you choose to NOT link an opportunity) Link a case:
- Click the Customer Service icon.
- On the Select Entry window; click a case; and then click OK.
- If required; create an appointment or a hotlist task.
- Click SAVE.
Once created; the interaction will be added at the top of the Interactions list.
You can use the search bar to search for an interaction of your interest.
To do that:
- Type a search keyword in the search bar. Once the interactions list is filtered; click the close button next to the search keyword to display the full list of interactions again.
Edit an Interaction
- Click an interaction listed under the Interactions tab in the Address Book module; the Opportunities module; the Customer Service module; or the Hotlist module.
Select a lead; go to the Interactions panel; click the drop-down arrow next to an interaction you want to edit; and click Edit. - On the Interaction Log window; modify the interaction; and save your changes.