Indicators display the information in your dashboards. Each dashboard can contain multiple indicators.
You can set up indicators to access Address Book information in the following ways:
- Saved searches – You can link indicators with existing searches in the search catalog. The indicator reports either the number of entries returned in the search or a calculation based on fields in the entries.
- Filters – You can specify filters for activities and quotas and return information on the entries that match the filters. You can filter information by date; assigned users or teams; and values of specific fields in appointments and tasks.
You can choose from a number of indicator controls to display the data. These controls format your Address Book data in charts; lists; and gauges.
While setting up your indicators; you can set up Click-Throughs for the indicators. Click-Throughs determine what happens when a Maximizer user clicks on an indicator. You can set up the Click-Throughs for an indicator to open another Dashboard; to retrieve a list in Maximizer containing the results of the search associated with the indicator; or to retrieve a list of the entries included in the total for an individual group within the indicator.