You can save values in the Advanced Search dialog box to the search catalog to retrieve at a later time.
While setting up the search criteria; you can specify generic values in your searches to make them reusable for different users and at different times. For fields that take Maximizer users as values; you can specify the current user as the value of the field. For date fields; you can specify values in relation to the current date; such as today; next month; and current fiscal quarter. Each time the search is run; values for the current user and values relative to the current date are retrieved.
While saving the search; you can select a column setup to display automatically whenever the search is retrieved. You can also specify that the values in the search may be changed when the search is run.
- Select Search Advanced Search.
- Click Add and select your fields.
- Click Catalog Add.
- Specify the properties of the search.
- Select Prompt for values when search is retrieved to let users change the values specified for each field each time the search is run.
- In the Full Access and Read Access fields; select a Maximizer user or group with access to the saved search.
- In the Associated Column Setup area; select an existing column setup to display when the search is retrieved.
- Click OK.
The search is added to the search catalog.