You can add indicators while creating dashboards; or you can add them to existing dashboards.
- Select a dashboard Dashboard Wizard icon Create a New Indicator Next.
- Enter the Indicator Properties and click Next.
- In the Indicator name field; specify a name for the indicator.
- In the Full Access and Read Access fields; specify the Maximizer user or group with access to the indicator.
- Select a control for the indicator; and click Next.
The What to Report screen opens.
- Select the catalog search to associate with the indicator and click Next.
- To associate the indicator with a catalog search: In the Records to search drop-down list; select the type of entry associated with the search. In the Saved search to use drop-down list; select the search from the search catalog.
- To associate the indicator with information from Activities (Appointments and Hotlist tasks) or Quotas: In the Records to search drop-down list; select Activities or Quotas and Sales.
- If you are associating the indicator with Activities or Quotas; specify how to filter the information; and click Next.
- Specify how to report the data; and click Next.
- In the Primary field field; select the numeric field that you want to manipulate.
- In the Function field; select the function to use on the field.
If you select Record count; you don’t need to specify a primary field.
For more information on these options; see Reporting on Data for Indicators.
- If you are creating a group indicator or a list control with summary information; in the Group by field; select the field by which you want to organize the data. Click Next.
For example; to display data for each Maximizer user; you can select a field that displays a user name.
If the field you select is a multi-value field; options appear to allow you to Group by unique values or to Group by combined values.
- If you are creating a group indicator or a list control; specify the fields to display in the list (list control only) and specify how you want to sort the indicator. Click Next.
- In the Sort By field; select the field by which you want to sort the values. You can sort entries by the values of the primary field or by the field that is splitting up the data.
- In the Sort order field; select Ascending or Descending to determine in which order the values are sorted.
- Specify the Click Through for the indicator; and click Next.
For more information on Click Throughs; see Click Throughs for Indicators.
If the Click Through launches another dashboard; select the dashboard and click Next.
- Click Finish to finish adding the indicator to the dashboard.
– or –
To add more indicators; select Work with a different indicator and click Next.