Moving to a new server
You can follow the steps below for Maximizer Installation and Database transition.
- Make a backup copy of all your production databases except MaConfig database (This is Maximizer system database and will be reinstalled upon the installation of Maximizer). Save these copies somewhere on the network so you can move them to new server.
- Restore your databases from step 1 on this new SQL Server using SQL Management Studio (SSMS).
- Install all the IIS components on new server if this machine is going to host Maximizer Web components (Maximizer Web Access) as well.
- Add Windows firewall incoming exception for port 1433 TCP and 1434 UDP for SQL Server. If you’re going to use any port other than default ports 80 or 443 for web access then have them excluded as well.
- Run the setup file as admin and proceed with custom install and uncheck the Database components (as you already have Standard SQL Server installed at this point). Let Maximizer connect with your MS SQL Server.
- Once the installation is completed; have your Licenses (PLN) installed and activated using Maximizer Desktop Administrator Module > Utilities > Install Multi-User License.
- If you don’t see your address books at login page; Launch Maximizer Desktop Administrator Module > File > New Address Book and give a name to your MS SQL server in the database server dropdown list. Provide the MASTER/SA OR Windows login to connect with SQL server.
- In Maximizer Desktop Admin Module > Utilities > Upgrade Maximizer… last option from the upgrade listing > Pick your database and provide MASTER user id and password. Say No to create a backup. This upgrade process will take few minutes. Repeat the same step for other address books you have.
- Now Launch your Maximizer Web access using browser and login to address books/ databases and test that everything is working.
Please visit our website for version compatibility with different applications.
If you want to use HTTPS for Maximizer web access; then following settings need to be configured.
Please rename web.config to web.config.bak and rename Web_ssl.config.bak to web.config in following locations on the server depending on Maximizer installed drive ...
For Calendar/ Quick Search/ Global Edit/ Import/ App directory: %Program Files (x86)\Maximizer\Portals\MaximizerWebData
For Outlook : %Program Files (x86)\Maximizer\Portals\Employee\Services\OutlookSync
For History Tab: %Program Files (x86)\Maximizer\Portals\Employee\Feeds\Services
If files are already configured with HTTPS or HTTP (if you're using) and you're using default ports (80 or 443) then that port should be allowed in internal Windows firewall and external firewall/ router.
Sometime local DNS resolution via host file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\) on the server should be resolving correct IP address against host name.