For each Address Book entry; you can specify full access and read access rights for any Maximizer users or groups; or you can specify public access to grant access to all Maximizer users. Access rights to specific entries are shown in the Key Fields area of the Basic Information tab in the entry. You may need to select a different Key Fields list to view the Full Access and Read Access fields. By default; these fields are included in the list.
You can specify access rights while adding or modifying an entry. You can click the ellipsis button next to the Full Access or Read Access fields to select multiple users for full or read access rights.
Access rights for specific entries are granted in the Select Users for Full or Read Access dialog box. Keep the following points in mind when working in this dialog box:
- In the Available users and security groups area; select the users and security groups for which you want to add full or read access for this entry.
- To select multiple users or groups; press Control while selecting the users/groups.
- To select a series of users/groups; select the first user/group in the series; then press Shift and select the last user/group in the series.
- Type the first letter in the item’s name to jump to that item in the list.
Users are grouped by the security groups; teams; departments; and divisions to which they belong if you have the “Display users by groups” option enabled in your preferences.
- Click the heading of a user grouping to view users and security groups in different groupings.
- Click the right arrow to move the selected users or security groups to the Selected users and groups list.
If you accessed the dialog box from the Read Access field; the user or group is automatically assigned read access. If you accessed the dialog box from the Full Access field; the user or group is automatically assigned full access.
- In the Selected users and security groups area; select a user or group to modify the access rights for the user or group.
- Select or clear the Full Access or Read Access checkbox to modify the access rights for the selected user or security group.
- Click the left arrow to remove the selected user or security group from the list; stripping all access rights from the user or group.
Public cannot be removed from the list. Public access rights are automatically changed when users or groups are given access rights to the entry.